
Note: Downloads may be quite slow.

"Presidential Evangelist for War," Cross Currents, © 2018 Association for Religion and Intellectual Life, Vol. 67, No. 2, (June 2017) 431-438.

"A vision of coupled presence," Theology and Sexuality, 17.1 (2011), 31-49.
Although a 2011 journal edition, actually published in fall 2012.

"An Outlaw’s Theology," Cross Currents, 61, No.2 (June 2011), 245-269.
Journal of the
Association for Religion and Intellectual Life.

“The Healing of Vietnam,” Voices in the
“Healing A Generation, The Vietnam Experience,”
Journal of the American Academy of Psychotherapists
27, No. 1& 2, (Spring/Summer 1991), 149-155.
—part of larger unpublished article, "Vietnam Undeclared"—

Prison, Bottoming Out, the Mother,” Cross Currents, XXVIII, #1, (Spring 1988), 53-63.

Resistance as sacrament,” Cross Currents, XXI, #4 (1971), 369-376.
—based on trial appellate brief—

"Pierre Teilhard de Chardin's Personalizing Universe,"
Honors thesis, St. John's U. (Mn.) 1966

Click for Unpublished writings

By Hillel Arnold, "The Burning of paper instead of children"
